Which is just so ridiculous I can barely find the words to quantify why. There was a ridiculous scene where Sara, after doing an autopsy on the murdered woman, guesses she's a lesbian because she'd had an intact hymen at age 33 and had lived with a woman for six years. The crimes are very Patrick Bateman in execution and I guess the gruesomeness was the point. Right off the bat Lena's identical twin sister is drugged, raped, tortured, and murdered in Grant County's most popular diner and Sara finds her body.

There's three alternating perspectives in the book: the local pediatrician/county medical examiner Sara Linton, county police chief Jeffrey Tolliver, and angry cop with a chip on her shoulder Lena Adams. This book does a really good job of showing precisely why. I follow a general rule of thumb: if a man has screamed a particularly gendered word in a woman's face while he raped or murdered her, then it's really not something I want to hear from a man's mouth ever, in jest or otherwise.

I side-eye men who use the word 'c*nt' in any context, especially the particular jocularity with which British and Australian men use it.