We were full of these kinds of new-world workarounds-my mother never ate pork except, secretly, in the form of pepperoni pizza. When we came to America, Islam’s five daily prayers became one long prayer to say at the end of the day. My third language was Arabic, but Arabic gets an asterisk because I never really spoke it, I just learned to pray in it.

I have always been a bit enamored of the materiality of language, trying to snap together parts that don’t exactly click but might, if coaxed just right, like sticking a Mega Blok onto a Lego. My first full sentence was “Gimmee ob,” ob being the Farsi word for water. In his hands, awe and redemption hinge into unforgettable and gorgeous poems.” -Eduardo C.In 1989 I was born in the middle of a snowstorm in Tehran my first two languages were Farsi and English, in that order. Kaveh Akbar has crafted one of the best debuts in recent memory. His imagery-wounded and resplendent-is masterful and his syntax ensnares and releases music that’s both delicate and muscular. Akbar’s mind, like his language, is perpetually in motion. The desolation of alcoholism widens into hard-won insight: ‘the body is a mosque borrowed from Heaven.’ Doubt and fear spiral into grace and beauty. “In Calling a Wolf a Wolf, Kaveh Akbar exquisitely and tenaciously braids astonishment and atonement into a singular lyric voice. Poems confront craving, control, the constant battle of alcoholism and sobriety, and the questioning of the self and its instincts within the context of this never-ending fight. “The struggle from late youth on, with and without God, agony, narcotics and love is a torment rarely recorded with such sustained eloquence and passion as you will find in this collection.” -Fanny Howe This highly-anticipated debut boldly confronts addiction and courses the strenuous path of recovery, beginning in the wilds of the mind. You can read this before Calling a Wolf a Wolf PDF EPUB full Download at the bottom. Here is a quick description and cover image of book Calling a Wolf a Wolf written by Kaveh Akbar which was published in. Brief Summary of Book: Calling a Wolf a Wolf by Kaveh Akbar