My first days were lived out in a hush of respectfully lowered voices as a procession of folk came to offer their condolences. The shutters were closed completely across some windows, and part-drawn at others. The chandeliers were left in situ, but wrapped in calico bags. My father draped the public rooms of Satis House in dust sheets. "synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title. It is a masterly tribute to one of Dickens' most celebrated and iconic characters. But for all her growing sophistication Catherine is anything but worldly, and when a charismatic stranger pays her attention, everything - her heart, her future, the very Havisham name - is vulnerable. Sent by her father to stay with the Chadwycks, Catherine discovers literature, music and masquerades - elegant pastimes to remove the taint of new money.

A reminder of all she owes to the family name and the family business. But she is never far from the smell of hops and the arresting letters on the brewhouse wall - HAVISHAM. Handsome, imperious, she is the daughter of a wealthy brewer, and lives in luxury in Satis House.

Catherine Havisham was born into privilege. But, as every girl growing up understood, her wedding day was the most significant she would know: a woman's crowning glory. How strange that such a consummately made garment should be worn for this one day only. There was a delicate tracery of gold foil on the back of the dress.