
Spider-Man by Chip Zdarsky
Spider-Man by Chip Zdarsky

Spider-Man by Chip Zdarsky

What are your favorite Spider-Man stories? Are there any in particular you’ll be drawing inspiration from on the new series? That’s the fun of Spider-Man, you’re playing with the outside perception of two characters. Peter could get a new job, a new girlfriend, but Spider-Man is accused of a crime and is public enemy number one. There are still periods where one is doing better than the other and I’ve always loved that aspect of secret identities. And part of the fun of the character is seeing how he gets out of the holes he digs for himself. But inevitably his “Parker luck” spoils things, even as Spider-Man. Peter can be having a crummy time of things, put on his Spider-Man outfit and feel like he can do anything.

Spider-Man by Chip Zdarsky

Can you imagine? Spider-Man is kind of like when you’re a kid and you go to camp or a new school, and you think, “I can be a new person here,” but you invariably end up with the same problems because you’re still, you know, the same person. In a lot of ways, I feel that “Peter Parker” is the mask and-just kidding.

Spider-Man by Chip Zdarsky

How do you see the interplay between the Peter Parker and Spider-Man identities?

Spider-Man by Chip Zdarsky