
Witches steeped in gold by ciannon smart
Witches steeped in gold by ciannon smart

That trope is a bit sharper than many storylines I see in YA but fits perfectly in the world crafted in this novel. I was also totally engrossed by the alliance between two enemies who would really like to just kill each other. Because many readers may be unfamiliar with Jamaican culture, the added world-building details do not feel indulgent or unnecessary but are instead refreshing and new. While this is a hefty read that might seem a bit daunting for some, Smart uses the pages wisely. Smart really takes her time developing this world and her characters, which will not leave readers disappointed. Readers find that both the Alumbrar and Obeah orders have just causes and are acting in order to preserve their independence and culture. Both Jazmyne and Iraya are fully developed individuals with their own motivations and weaknesses, making choosing a side difficult. Through alternating points of view, readers are swept into a Jamaican-inspired world that is carefully crafted and filled with nuanced characters. Sworn Enemies Find Tenuous Peace for a Common Cause in Witches Steeped in Gold While both young women want control of Aiyaca, they create a tentative alliance with their shared goal to remove Jazmyne’s mother from her throne. With the help of other cellmates, Iraya plans an uprising to escape prison so she can reclaim her throne. Iraya is a powerful Obeah witch whose family was overthrown by Alumbrar witches. Iraya Adair, however, has spent her life in prison dreaming of freedom - and vengeance. Even though Jazmyne knows her mother must be removed from power, she’s not sure if she’s ready to take the throne herself. Her mother is a cruel self-crowned leader and Jazmyne is already working with a rebellion to overthrow her. Seventeen-year-old Jazmyne Cariot may be next in line for the Aiyacan throne, but she’s still waiting for her powers as an Alumbrar witch to show themselves. 73 Enemy Witches With a Grudging Alliance

Witches steeped in gold by ciannon smart